Parbold and District Ramblers - walk

Apr 7, 2024 at 09:00

Parbold and District Ramblers


Walk Start Point: Blue Cap Inn, 520 Chester Road, Sandiway, Northwich, CW8 2DN 


All walks meet at Parbold shops at 9.00a.m. for Car Share, unless otherwise stated.  If you need a lift, it is advisable to contact Jimmy Kelly or the walk leader before the day, so that we can ensure availability.

From Parbold shops drive (4 miles) to the M6 & join the southbound carriageway

Stay on the M6 until junction 19 (24 miles) take the A556 exit to Northwich/Macclesfield/Knutsford

Drive on the A556 Chester Road westward for 10.5 miles going through 5 sets of lights & 2 roundabouts, after the last set of lights continue for approx. 2 miles and you will see the Blue Cap Inn on your right.

Please go to the left of the Inn where there is a large car park by the Premier Inn rooms and park in the far corner.

Total distance 40 miles journey time 50 minutes - 65 minutes 

Walk Description

Walk Length approx. 6-7 miles there will be a coffee break, a lunch stop and a rest stop at the Church.

Mixture of road, field & wood walking, mainly flat with some minor short inclines

Can be muddy in places & we will be walking on a boardwalk around a small Mere

The Blue Cap Inn will be open if anybody wishes to use the facilities

Several places for coffee/and or lunch break

A menu will be sent out for anybody who wishes to eat (Blue Cap Inn) after the walk & we will pre-order in the week before the walk, a reservation has been booked for 4pm.

Sights information along the route

Blue Cap Inn - named after a hound who competed in a challenge race in Newmarket, built in 1716 is one of the oldest hostelries in Cheshire

Vale Royal Locks, the River Weaver was canalised in 1732 with 80% of the cargo carried was salt

Vale Royal Golf club clubhouse used to be the home of Lord Delamere, originally built as a Cistercian Abbey (the largest in the UK) in the 13th century by Edward 1 to celebrate the birth of his first son and added to by the Black Prince

Whitegate village a typical Cheshire village still with a maypole, thriving village school & church New Pool created for the local vicar to provide private fishing

You are responsible for your own safety.


Chris Hough 07923 593852 Carole Fishwick 07706 488147.

Next walks details are published on See ‘Walks’ page and ‘Events’ calendar.

For more information contact Jimmy Kelly on 01257 463057  

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