

It is time to remind everyone of the Wildlife Group and its activities.  Although we have been unable to meet indoors, we have still been very busy outdoors, looking after the Biological Heritage Site at Chapel Lane Fields. We have undertaken regular practical work to maintain and enhance its natural features, and also engage contractors to undertake large scale maintenance work . Do visit or take a look at our Facebook page, which contains photos of the results of recent scrub clearance – the results are dramatic.  We know how much this site is valued by you all, and we will continue to look after it on your behalf.

We are also planning to restart our face to face activities, with a programme of indoor talks and outdoor wildlife activities, which are open to all. Our first indoor meeting will be on Tuesday 29th March at the Red Lion in Newburgh.  Future events will be notified on our Facebook page and through the Newsletter, and we look forward to welcoming existing members, together with anyone who would like to attend on a ‘one off’ basis – you are most welcome to join us. Any enquiries, please contact Maggie Huyton on 01257 464215

Many of you - especially dog walkers - will have enjoyed Chapel Meadow during lockdown. The meadow and surrounding woodland is designated a Biological Heritage Site for its wildflowers and grasses, and is managed by Parbold Wildlife Group on behalf of the Parish Council.

However, signs of wear and tear are now starting to show, and as it is now nesting season and the wildflowers will be starting to reappear, the Wildlife Group would respectfully ask visitors to try and keep to the path as much as possible and keep their dogs under control. This will help to limit further damage to the meadow, and if you can clean up after your dog and take your litter home, this will help protect the wildlife there.

Thank you from Parbold Wildlife Group.

The aim of the Group is to promote the protection of wildlife and the enhancement of the landscapes of Parbold for the benefit of the community and to assist in maintaining the Biological Heritage Site at Chapel field, which is owned by Parbold Parish Council.  Also to promote the site for education purposes.

The Group assists Parbold Parish Council in managing their Biological Heritage site - Chapel Meadow, which is located off Chapel lane. The Meadow is designated as a Biological Heritage Site in recognition of its’ importance for wildlife within Lancashire. It supports an unusually diverse number of plants and is one of only 3 or 4 similar meadows on its kind on the Lancashire Coastal Plain.

The Group would like to thank all the local visitors to this area for their comments on how much they appreciate the area and the hard work members, together with the Parbold Tree Warden Group, do to try to maintain it. The meadow is mowed in summer to encourage the variety of flowers and grasses, and to control dominant grasses, saplings and other shrubs growing on it.  The cuttings are removed so as not to add nutrients to the meadow. Any offers of help are always welcome.   

The Group records sightings of wildlife in the area and the Canal and River Trust would appreciate sightings such as mink and kingfishers seen on the canal. 

See us on Facebook

The Biodiverse Society Project is a HLF (Heritage Lottery Fund) funded partnership project between Lancashire Wildlife Trust and the two Local Record Centres, LERN and Merseyside BioBank, within the project area of Lancashire and North Merseyside. 

The project aims to develop links between the project partners with community groups, volunteers and Local Naturalist Groups. It will enable knowledge sharing about our important wildlife areas across Lancashire and North Merseyside to ensure they survive into the future.  As part of the Biodiverse Society Project, Lancashire Wildlife Trust are currently undertaking a re-survey of a number of Local Wildlife Sites (known as Biological Heritage Sites in Lancashire) across the project area, over the next 3 years.  The aim of these surveys is to understand better, the value of these sites through biological recording. 

Chapel Lane Fields has been identified as a Biological Heritage Site due to its species rich grassland which has naturally colonised following soil stripping to cap an adjacent landfill site. As a result, a diverse range of species are present and include yellow rattle, common spotted orchid and common knapweed. The site also includes tall-herb, scrub and section of canal.

The Biodiverse Society recently teamed up with the Parbold Wildlife Group to survey Chapel Lane Fields, record the species present and update the records for the site. As well as this survey additional surveys focusing on bats and small mammals were organised adding more records for the site. 

For enquires contact the Secretary; Maggie Huyton on 01257 464215

Bat boxes

Six bat boxes were put up on Friday 15th March 2024 in the woodland near Chapel lane, by Charlie Liggett and Stan Irwin of Merseyside & West Lancashire Bat Group.  The Group will monitor them annually.


January.  No meeting.

February 13th. AGM and Speaker - Appley Bridge Meadows project and hedgehog rescue. 7.30p.m. Parbold Village Hall.

March. No meeting

April 16th. Talk on Swifts. 7.30p.m. Village Hall. £2 non-members (Inc. tea / coffee).

May. Tour of Burscough Organic Farm. Details to follow.

June. No meeting.

July 6th. National Meadows Day - Picnic and information stall. 12.30 p.m. at Chapel Meadow.

August. No meeting.

September 24th. Speaker - Merseyside Museums - North West Invertebrates - Tanyptera Project.7.30 p.m. Village Hall. Members free, £2 non-members (Inc tea / coffee).

October. No meeting.                                                                                                                                                         

November 16th. Quiz night. 7.30pm. WI Hall, Parbold.                                                                                                       

December. Social event. 7.00 p. m. Details to follow.


In addition to our regular programme of meetings, we hope to organise a number of other events on Chapel Lane BHS during the year – these will be notified to members via the Members Update, at meetings and by email.

Bat Conservation Trust

National Bat Helpline: 0345 1300 228. Enquiries. E:

Chorley Hedgehog Rescue

For information visit:


Froglife is a national wildlife charity committed to the conservation of amphibians and reptiles – frogs, toads, newts, snakes and lizards – and saving the habitats they depend on.


Parbold Tree Warden Group

Parbold Tree Warden Group (PTWG) are registered as part of the West Lancashire Tree Wardens Scheme. All members are volunteers who wish to see the local environment improved and enhanced by planting and maintaining trees and shrubs where appropriate, to encourage new habitats for wild life.

PTWG assists in maintaining the garden areas at Parbold Village Hall and the Jubilee Garden., which are owned by the Parish Council.  They talk to local residents and encourage them to have wildlife friendly gardens.   

We meet at the Village Hall on a Monday morning.

Contact: Margaret Abel. Tel. 01257 462909


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