What's On

  Arts and Crafts

What's On at the Village Hall and other locations

  Fitness and Sports Activities


Arunima Sadhana Yoga

Dawn                        07841520999 

Parbold Douglas School.                                 Mon 6pm
  Badminton Chris Hiley 

Village Hall.                                              Thu 8 – 10 pm


Monday Movers 

Chris Burrows                        01257 422238

PWI. Mon. 11.15 - 12.15.             

  Boot Camp Fitness Michaela
07812 062220

Village Hall,                                            Mon. 9.30 – 10.30. & 6.30 - 7.30.           Wed & Fri. 9.30 - 10.30 (ex.2nd Wed in Month).


Trish                                      07896 359175      

Village Hall.                                                Wed. 6 - 8.15 pm. 

Holly                                    07789 717414

Parbold WI                                    Beginners/Intermediate Pilates. Fri. 5 - 6 pm     
  Hatha Yoga Kathy
07801 922028
Parbold W.I. 
Thu 6.30 - 7.30 pm
  Karate. Roy
01695 735502
Village H. Wed 6.30-7.30,
Fri 6.30–8 pm
  Keep Fit for all ages 

Daphne                                01257 462716.

PWI.                                                            Mon. 10.00 
  Mawdesley Cricket Dan Rear
01704 822984
  Mawdesley Tennis Denise Fox
01257 473313
  Newburgh Nomads Wally Coppelov
01695 580955
Newburgh Sports club
Tuesday 7.30 pm
  Parbold Ramblers Jimmy Kelly
First Sunday in the month
  Pink Panthers Running Club (Ladies) Jane Warner jane.warner29@gmail.com  
  Karate T.S.K.S                (Shotokan)

David Jones                                  07591428400                          

WI Parbold.             Fri. 6 45 - 8 00 pm          Hilldale Village Hall. Wed. 6.45 - 8.00 pm

  Slimming World Carol Littler 
01695 340140 or 07854252501  
Village Hall
Thur. Sessions:4.30and 6pm
  Yogahealthy  Kathy                            07801 922028 PWI Thur                                                       18.30 to 19.30
  Youth Groups (All uniformed groups meet Term time only)
  Beavers parboldbeavers@hotmail.co.uk  

  Brownies Sandy Smith
Hut on the Hill
  Cubs parboldcubs@gmail.com  
  Explorer Scouts Richard Charnock
Hut on the Hill
  Guides Becky Tilley
01695 371249 
Hut on the Hill

Kevin Santi                            07815 871982

Hut on the Hill
Thursday 7.45 - 9.15 pm

Emily Hooley             0798458661                 

Hut on the Hill 
  Rainbows  Julie Munro              07889371041 Hut on the Hill
  Parbold Evangelical Church, Hilldale

Dave Taylor                    07786401121

Fortnightly on Fridays 7.30 - 9.15pm for aged 11 plus. 
  1st Newburgh & Dalton Scouts  Stephen Hannah                    07774 475054    Newburgh School                                   Mondays. 8.15pm-9.45pm 
  1st Newburgh & Dalton Wolf Cubs Linda.ashcroft@tesco.net Parbold Academy                               Tuesdays 6.30pm-8pm 
  Swallows and Amazons Linda Ashcroft                      01257 464112

Tuesday. Termtime only. 6.30 - 8.15

  Entertainment and Music
  Douglas Music Parbold

Box office                  01257498452

Village Hall,
Saturday. (See seasonal programme)
  Folk Club Mark / Maggi
The Red lLon, Newburgh, WN8 7NF 
Mondays 8.15 pm, except for Bank Holidays
  Parbold Picture House 463878 Village hall
alternate Sundays 7 pm
  Parbold SING4FUN

Gill                                        464460

Our Lady & All Saints Primary School WN8 7HB Monday. 8 - 9.15pm  (during term times only & not on Bank Holidays) 


07753 628752

Our Lady & All Saints Primary School WN8 7HB    Mon 5.30 - 6.30

  Play Bridge

Tessa 07854 285191                Carole 07943 551468

Parbold Village Hall Studio, Thursday’s 10am – 12 noon

  Talking Pictures Tessa
01257 463493
Village hall
Wednesdays 2 pm (See seasonal programme)


Wild I's dance & social

Jo Wild                                  07834 594517

Village Hall                      Monthly, Sun. - ring for dates/times

  Coffee Mornings and Lunch Clubs
  Coffee Morning - Hilldale Gary Ward
07774 954531
Hilldale Village Hall
last Sat in month 10.30 – 12
  Over 60's Church Group 01257 462350 Coffee etc. Community cafe
Mondays 1 pm
  Coffee Morning David Secrett
Evangelical Church, Hilldale.
First Tue in month 10.30 – 12.30.(not Aug)
  Light lunch 01257 253389 Evangelical Church, Hilldale. 
First Tue in month 12.00.(Jan to Mar)
  Parbold Coffee Association Sue Halton                            01257 463703  Alternate Tuesdays mornings, Parbold village Hall


  Mothers and Toddlers Pre-School
  Blissful Bears

Kirsten Reay                          07714 008342     

Hilldale Village Hall (Starts w/c 1st Feb 2022).    Tuesday. Baby Yoga & Sensory @10am & 1pm. Baby Massage & Sensory and Sensory @11.30   

  Bloom Baby Classes (baby development and sensory classes) 

Rachel Martin            07794190255

Parbold WI Hall on Thursdays.                Starts 12 May 2022

  Our Lady & All Saints Nursery

Mr Shaun Kearon, head teacher,  462466

Our Lady’s & All Saints
8 am - 5.30 pm (Term time only)
  Mums and toddlers 462231 Coffee etc.
10 – 12 am
  Noah’s Ark Ronda Culshaw
Parbold Douglas school
Wed 9.45 – 11.15 am
  OLAS Toddler Group Sue McCluskey                  462466 Our Lady’s & All Saints school
Thurs 9-11 am
  R D School Nursery Gill
Richard Durnings school
  Other Groups and Organisations
  Douglas Music Box office                              01257 498452 Village Hall. See seasonal programme
  Douglas Valley Creative Stitchers Sue Chisnall-Sumner              01772 461714 Village hall
Sat, 2 – 4 pm, (2nd Sat in month)
  Douglas Valley
Lions Club
Keith Rudd
  First Responders Alan Rudge
  Parbold Community Association

Sue Halton                            01257 463703

  Parbold & District
Flower Club
Eileen Martin
01704 893124
Village hall 2nd Wed in month 1.45-4.00 pm (No meetings Jan. Aug. and Dec.)
  Parbold & District
Garden Society
David Pennington
01704 821984
WI hall 2nd or 3rd Wednesday 8 – 10 pm
  Parbold Parish Council E: parboldpc.clerk@yahoo.com Village Hall. 1st Fri in month except Aug, 7.30pm
  Parbold Tree
Warden Group
Margaret Abel
Monday mornings
  Parbold/Newburgh U3A Peter Bennett                    463320 Hut on the Hill. 2nd and 4th Tue in the month,   1.30 to 3.30
  Parbold Wildlife Group Maggie Huyton                  464215

  Parbold Womens Institute Membership - Eileen Collins
WI hall first Tuesday in the month 7.30 pm
  Parbold WI Bookings 07894274802   
  Patchwork and Quilting Michaela Smith
01704 880548.
10 - 4pm (3rd Sat in month)
  Red Lion Railway Circle John Sloane
Red Lion, Newburgh
Tuesday 7.30 pm

Events Calendar

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